یه مامان که نمیخواد فقط مامان باشه

وبلاگ نویسی بر اساس روزانه هام و فکرهام و زندگی ام

طبقه بندی موضوعی


يكشنبه, ۲۳ شهریور ۱۳۹۹، ۱۰:۵۶ ق.ظ

I feel noose around my neck and I feel more suffocated with each execution.

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۹۹/۰۶/۲۳
زری ..

نظرات  (۲)

I don't know when these stories will end.

People always said: Innocent cannot be executed but we see they could be...

sometimes i think there isn't any end for that:(

it was so awful :( when I first heard it, I couldn't believe my ears :( I kept repeating his words in my head. I believe they only do this to torture us, to say "see, we can do everything we want and you can't do anything about it" and they are right. they actually think that they are gods on earth, that they have people's lives in their hands, they can decide who will live and who will die. I can't forget how heartbroken his mom looked :(

dear Nikki, i also think they have power while lost fair and justice

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