یه مامان که نمیخواد فقط مامان باشه

وبلاگ نویسی بر اساس روزانه هام و فکرهام و زندگی ام

طبقه بندی موضوعی

!If you want a thing done well, do it yourself

جمعه, ۱۸ مهر ۱۳۹۹، ۱۱:۱۵ ب.ظ

These days I remember a story. A little bird and her chicks lived in a field. they made nest in wheatgrass.

Days of harvest were near, farmer decided to harvest the field soon.

|One day the mother bird flew away while chicks in the nest listened to the farmer that he would ask for the help of the right side neihhbor to harvest his field. when she flew back to the nest in the evening, her chicks said "mum! we have to move to a new field due to the farmer told himself I should ask my right neighbor to help me to harvest!" the mummy bird answered "don't worry, we can stay here!"

the next day, chicks heard the farmer again, he was saying, " I should ask my the left neighbor to help me to harvest!

In the evening, they told "mum! we have to move to a new field because the farmer decided to ask left neighbor to help him" mummy bird answered "don't worry!"

On the third day, chicks heard farmer saying " I have to harvest wheats by myself” when mummy heard that she said "we have to move to a new field because he doesn't depend on anyone , he has decided to harvest by himself!" 

+ I appreciate my friends who correct my writing mistakes. 

موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۹۹/۰۷/۱۸
زری ..

نظرات  (۱۱)

it was funny but completely right!



in the last part, you should replace whom with who. 

you forgot articles (a and the) in most places.


A day ---> One day


flied -----> flew 


told by himself ---> told himself


In third day, ----> On the third day

Dear Saba, I had read your comment and corrected the mistakes, sorry i forgot to answer this comment. thank you  

So beautiful


نصیحت خوبی بود.

هم کامنت خانم صبا هستم.

☺️🙂you know saba is a shirazian girl that lives in sydny 

Your writing has improved! So proud of you. I remember this short story but can't remember from where. Maybe school days

Thank you dear Samar 
Yes we read it in Arabic literature. 

It was so learnable and was new to me. Your power of writing is really improving. Congratulations 🎊🎊

Thanks a lot Maryam;) 
It’s my pleasure 
۲۸ مهر ۹۹ ، ۱۸:۲۹ ربولی حسن کور


I had been read this story in persian book of second grade school.

in the books of before the revolution in 1979 of courde!

how many mistakes I have in this comment dear saba?

we are waiting for saba to correct your mistakes  :)) 

Well, I agree with this story to some extent,  but we all cam benefit from a team work.


but sometimes we waste our time :(

Uhu now u think u r a shitty native or the fuck like that?

Ugggh bitch this ain't cool :/

خود کانیه وِست امریکایی الاصل تو اینستاش پست میذاره به فارسی "ما هم عشق داریم" بریتنی اسپیرز میره از سام اصغری فارسی یاد میگیره!

بلا پورچ پست میذاره به فارسی،نصف سلبریتی ها با ایرانیا درگیرن و دوست دارن فارسی یاد بگیرن!

اون وقت شماها عن یه چیزیو در میارین!اونم اینجور خز بیسیک حرف زدن که نمانما نداره وات د فاک:| اونم تو وبلاگی که کلا فارسیه محیطش،اسکل.

sorry I can't understand what did you mean not only in English but also in Farsi !!! 

برای  fieldباید از   inاستفاده کنی :in the field 

حواست به article هات  باشه.  برای همه اسمهای قابل شمارش مفرد  باید از the و یا a/an استفاده کنی.  خیلی هاش رو درست کردی ولی هنوز برای مثال:

...The farmer decided

The help of the right-side neighbor

on the third day

The next day

The mother


توی یک جمله باید از فعلهای همزمان استفاده کنی:


|One day the mother bird flew away while chicks in the nest listened to the farmer .that he would ask for the help of




.Thank you, I've corrected them. 

چون خودت  پرسیدی گفتم. میدونم که قصد اصلیت بهتر شدن نوشتنت هست.لبخند.

ولی اینجا به انگلیسی نوشتن سخته.

thanks a bunch Tarane:)
It's really a kind of you 

آها نمیفهمی؟خب انگار نفهم بودنت یه چیز ذاتیه و

خلاصه این دیگه دست من نیس LOL

تو حتی سواد درست نوشتن هم نداری

تعاریفی چون:

اعتماد به سقف،تازه به دوران رسیده یا عقده ای و اسکل بیکار.

U can't get it in none of languages 

Becuz u r an idiot bitch

Thank u next

I can't help you:( you are a mentally ill and need to see a Psychiatrist or counselor

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